CLASSY NetRadio Indonesia

CLASSY NetRadio Indonesia, Your All Time Favourites 24/7

About CLASSY NetRadio Indonesia

CLASSY NetRadio is an internet radio based in Surabaya, Indonesia. Established in November 2018 by people with broadcasting, engineering and audiophile background who love and enjoy listening to good quality music and good quality sound.

CLASSY NetRadio has 24/7 playlist of all time favorites in crystal clear High Definition audio streams. Targeting mature listeners, aimed at professionals in established social economic status.

Contact CLASSY NetRadio Indonesia

PT Celindo Mitra Prima, Intiland Office Suites Lv. 3, Jalan Panglima Sudirman 101 - 103 Surabaya 60271

Data CLASSY NetRadio Indonesia

Broadcasting Type   :   Web/Internet Only
Station Name   :   CLASSY NetRadio Indonesia
City   :   Surabaya
Province   :   East Java
Country   :   Indonesia
Slogan   :   Your All Time Favourites 24/7
Web   :
Twitter   :
Facebook   :
Instagram   :
Stream type   :   ShoutCast V.2, HE-AAC, 96 kbps, Stereo
E-mail   :
Genres   :   Pop, Easy Listening, Jazz, Audiophile.
To listen to CLASSY NetRadio Indonesia directly from Smartphone browsers and devices others, tabs (tablets), computers (PCs), laptops don't need special applications, but it's easier to use Chrome Browser, Mi Browser, Firefox Browser or Mint Browser, lightweight, fast and secure from your smartphone.

CLASSY NetRadio Indonesia
Your All Time Favourites 24/7

CLASSY NetRadio Indonesia



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